Tag Archives: foreigner



夏休み 3日目 後42日間




次々の「辛い」ことに遭った後、その前より自分自身強くなっている。うん、事実だ。俺は自分に厳しい。それは嘘ではない。だけど、そうしないといけない。少しさえ甘くすれば、絶対に何もしない人になるであろう。 進まない。





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Filed under Encouragement, Japan, Reflection, 日本語


信じられない。うまくいったんだ。自分から人に声かけたら会話を作ることが出来る。挨拶ーー> 第2挨拶は完璧だ。僕はうまく出来たら、誰でもできるはずじゃん。



ま、それにしても楽しかった。みんなは酔ったし、僕は考えすぎるかな。 でも、パーティーの流れはちょっと分かりにくかったけどな。パーティーの時間が終わって二次会に進むと思った。30分か一時間を経ってから、「なんでカラオケとか行かないかな。」と 結局パーティーから去った。つまらなくなったからだ。まだよく酔った僕は電車に乗って近くの都会みたいなところに行った。 そこに着いて一人でカラオケしたり、居酒屋でもっと飲んだりした。独り言ばかり言いながら、居酒屋の窓から外の歩いている人を見ていた。 ぼーっとして不満不平のこと考え込んだ。その時に新しいALTの顔を見た。ちょっと自分で笑って「へー嘘つきじゃないか。」 実はこの人は「ああ、あたしは疲れているわ。帰ります。じゃね。」と理由でパーティーから先に帰った。



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Filed under Japan, Reflection, 日本語




最近、元気じゃないが普通だ。悪くない感じだけど、100パーセントじゃない。昔の自分に戻りたいこともある。それはオタクのことだ。またオタクになるとしても金をかかるし、アニメにあんまり興味がないしなあ。どうすればいい。昔の僕に戻らない。今の僕は誰? 今まで来たアイデンティティは変わってきた。


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Filed under Everyday, Japan, Reflection, 日本語







Filed under Japan, 日本語


I haven’t watched The Simpsons in a very long time. I really liked it when I was watching it as a kid growing up in the 90’s. And as someone living in Japan and studying the language, one episode in particular comes to mind. I think it was during season one because season one was a lot different in style from the other seasons there after.

Anyway, in the episode Bart does a student exchange where he goes to France. Living in France he has no idea about the language. The people he was sent to live with begin to treat him poorly too, but he can’t really do anything about it. They make him stomp on grapes for the wine and give the donkey the pile of hay to sleep on. So Bart is forced to sleep on dirt. Near the end of the episode, Bart is told to go out and buy something. He runs into a French police officer. As he tries to explain to the officer his situation in English, the officer smiles but doesn’t understand. As Bart walks away crestfallen he starts to talk to himself out of frustration only to suddenly start speaking fluent French.

As time goes on here in Japan. I feel more and more like that situation is going to happen. Something is going to happen. One day I am just going to wake up and not even realize I’m speaking Japanese. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t care about making mistakes. I am so aloof that I just don’t care. I want my feelings to be expressed. I want my way of thinking to be recognized. Before I was afraid of being hurt and afraid of hurting others. But I’m tired of it. I don’t care if I’m hurt. I don’t care if I hurt others.

I’ve lived too much of my life keeping my feelings to myself.
No one gives a fuck.

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Filed under Development, Encouragement, Japan, Reflection








日本と日本人が嫌いわけじゃない。ただ、外国人として日本に住むのは大変だ。日本は完璧に閉鎖的だ。 2020年にここにオリンピックがあるんだっけ。笑えるだろう。この国の政府はもっと交流的にしようと言いながら交流的じゃない行動をする。矛盾だろう。何年間日本人は英語を勉強しているんだっけなあ。中国と韓国より長いんだけど、日本人の方が全然分からない。僕日本語を勉強するのは七年間でこのぐらい日本語で書くんだよ。「英語は難しいよ~」と言われても、それはただの言い訳?

もう暗くて誰もいないアパートに帰りたくない。帰ったらその暗闇に向き合うわけにはいかない。 このアパートは籠みたいなところだ。遅くまで帰りたくない。そうしたら、酒を飲んだり一人でいる気持ちを考えたりしない。




Filed under Japan, Reflection, 日本語

Hate my job Hate my life Hate Japan

I guess saying that I hate such and such is quite extreme. Hate is a strong word, and I try not to think about the things I hate even dislike or even want to complain about. But I can’t take it much anymore. I am stressed out working at a middle school. The past three years here have been fine. But starting this year, my school merged with another smaller middle school. So they closed the smaller one and now those students come to my school. This turned a pleasant and quiet middle school into something wild. Granted there are still good students. Well behaved students. But they just seem to be filtered out by all the noise from the more nasty students.

I don’t like working here anymore. The attitude of the students aren’t the same. My attitude doesn’t feel the same. There are double the amount of teachers here as well. I largely feel useless and forgotten by all of them unless they need something from me. Hell we have two student teachers here for two weeks. They have yet to introduce themselves to me. I guess they just don’t want to deal with a foreigner.

My complaints aren’t new. You’ll hear the same rants from any foreign English teacher in Japan. The schools are bad, and the teachers do nothing about disruptive students. The foreign teacher is like some kind of tape recorder for the English classes. Largely ignored otherwise.

Some how in the back of my mind, I wonder to myself if it could just be my attitude? This could all change? No one talks to me. No one goes out of their way to greet me. They moved my desk so far away from everyone else this year… Maybe if I just tried? But Japanese will never meet you half way if you’re a foreigner. YOU are the one that has to go an extra 10, 15, or even 50 miles extra or more. I am just really tired of this nonsense.

But on the other hand, I like my alone time. I like being home and in the safety of my apartment but I hate living in this rural shit hole. Thank god I plan for this to be my last year in this area. Tired of not having any bars to go to. Tired of just seeing old people everywhere. Tired of not having a cafe to go to and sit and have a nice coffee. I want to be around people my own age. But then that is where I get worried. Even if I move and get all these things. Perhaps nothing will change. I read of the stories where Japanese people don’t really make friends with foreigners. I am afraid of just being some kind of foreigner accessory for Japanese people. With all my experiences it’s always been language that was a problem. Or people don’t want to meet you halfway like I mentioned.

Should I just leave Japan is something that crosses my mind at times.

I wonder what I should do…?


Filed under Japan, Reflection

Hardly an adult

It’s funny how time just repeats itself. In the big picture and in the smaller picture of our own every day lives. It kind of makes one think, do we have any free will at all? Are we ever in control of anything? I sit here in the same type of position I was in last year and the year before that. Alone and having to pay a large fee for something. This time it’s towards a car accident. I wasn’t paying attention and crashed into the curb. At least no one else was involved.

I’m also wondering just what I want to do with myself. The years before this wasn’t such a big deal. I wasn’t feeling like how I feel now. I’m bored. I want something different to do. Something more. Some people want material things. Some people want money. Status. For me it’s self satisfaction. Achievement. I’m not achieving anything. I need to find goals to achieve in my every day life. Little things that will make me feel satisfied each day. I used to do this, but stopped keeping track because it just became like a daily routine.

I don’t want to be in this cold apartment after work anymore either. I’ve asked my company for extra work but haven’t heard anything back yet. I mean, if I’m not doing anything in particular. I might as well be making money instead. In the mean time, I usually go to the library close to where I work. I read or study Japanese. Anything is better than being home.

I’ve gotten so sick of the silence in my apartment. So I just keep the TV on as background noise lately. Some how it has given a slight warmth, and filled the void.

I really have no idea what I want for my future. I’ve pretty much given up on dating. Just tired of the effort. No one wants to meet me since I’m far away from the city. All the people signed up are in their 30s and 40s. I’m not interested. When I was still with my ex, she said that I am a herbivore man. Instead of going after women, I show no real interest in sex and would much rather just stick to friendships. (Although, unknown to her I was much more interested in wanting to meet more women when I was with her.) I’m more concerned about my own things and working on my own self development. I don’t like this label very much. Although, it is true I do show a strong lack of interest in sex. I like masturbation, but the thought of sex was never something that interested me growing up. It was either different kinds of fetishes or things that would lead up to sex that turned me on. But the physical act I could do without for some reason. It is something that doesn’t cross my mind.

Today was a holiday in Japan celebrating coming of age. I wonder if I will ever come of age? I am turning 28 in about 3 months, and I hardly feel like any sort of adult.

I don’t know where I am going with this. I think I’m going to go out and jog for a while to clear my head.

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Filed under Japan, Reflection

I want to disturb the 和

“OMG you can read that!? SuGoiii111!!!!” “Uhh, yeah.” I reply with a bit of anger in my voice.

I think I’ve reached a point where these kinds of things just aren’t cute and not taken as compliments anymore. Although, I can’t recall a time when I ever thought of them as a compliment. I just want to be a dick when these things come up, and answer with a witty response. But I am too Japanese from my own good and just act passive aggressive about it even if it does piss me off.

For some reason I still am remembering an experience I had at work. I printed an article from the newspaper because it interested me. And and my coworker is like, “Huh? Can you read this?” Ughh these things just get under my skin. I’m really trying my best to get this language but the people keep beating me down with backhanded comments. You know, is it just me or do Japanese people seem to compliment you when you can try easy things in Japanese. But try to read the newspaper or attempt to move up in this society and you start getting these backhanded comments.

Anyone else still get these? How do you deal with them even after being in Japan for so long? I know Japanese mean well, but that shouldn’t excuse ignorance.

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Filed under Japan, Reflection

Off the boat syndrome

I have been asking myself, “What annoys me about Japan?” lately. Now that I have been on the lookout it seems to be easier to recognize those little pet peeve moments. One moment is what I call the off the boat syndrome. For anyone who has lived in Japan for any length of time probably know what I am talking about. Japanese just seem to assume you’re a tourist OR you live here, but you haven’t been here very long therefore you don’t know Japanese at all.

This is really annoying and frustrating. I wouldn’t say I am fluent, but there are many things I can do well. Plus I have passed N2 and working on studying for N1 of the Japanese language exam. I know taking a test has nothing to do with actual ability. Anyone can study for a test, but someone who is of a lower level would never try for these things unless they had a confident grasp of the language. That is all I am saying.

But it’s strange. If I feel like there is some kind of anxiety coming from the person I am speaking to, I goof up. If it feels like they think I don’t know Japanese for some reason, I just seem to read that and completely mess up. I don’t understand this at all. I also noticed that there seems to be a certain portion of people who I can speak Japanese well to. And on the other hand there is another portion of people who I just turn into this off the boat dude when speaking to them. It most likely is something subconscious on my end. But the more I converse with others and the more I build these kinds of experiences, I feel as if that subconscious anxiety when speaking will go away. At least I hope so.

I will admit a lot of the times it does depend on the circumstances and the context. There are just those instances where someone is talking to me, and while I may understand what they are saying I just have no idea how to answer. So it ends up where they are probably thinking, “Oh, he doesn’t understand me.” I am still very much learning how to socialize in Japanese. Hell, I can’t say I know how to socialize well in my own damn language. I mean, I left America a loner with no self confidence and a ton of anxiety. Oh, how much I have grown in the past 4 years… Japanese who I have known since I first came here will say things about how much I have changed since they first met me.

Anyway. Today I did have this one instance where I was talking to a woman at the taiko practice I go to. She just started talking in broken Japanese and gestures. I had no idea what the hell she was trying to convey. It turns out all she just wanted to know was how long it took to drive home from the practice hall. Now, come on! I could have understood that if the person just talked naturally. It’s these kinds of instances that are annoying. It just makes us both feel awkward in the end. It’s usually from the people that seem to think I don’t know Japanese at all.

You know, I’m not hating on Japanese for their assumptions but I also don’t want to be an apologist for these assumptions. I don’t know what could solve this issue. Japan has a lot of issues in the foreign relations department. One thing that I personally have tried to live by is this. If I can break these assumptions on a daily basis then I am in my own little way making the situation better for all foreigners in Japan. *shrug*

Days sober: 0

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Filed under Japan, Reflection